Military, Apprenticeship, and Workplace Pathways

Military Pathway

If the Military is the pathway you are pursuing, you are encouraged to begin the process early in the fall.  We recommend you contact the Canadian Forces National Recruiting Contact Center (1-866-966-8718) for more information and to begin the process.

You can also visit for further information.

Apprenticeship Pathway

Contact Mr. Kevin Hotten, OYAP/DC coordinator. (705-494-8600 ext. 40236)

Apprentices can receive up to $4,000 in grants to pay tuition, travel, tools, or other expenses. Please go to and search “Apprenticeship Grants”.

Workplace Pathway

You will want to have an up-to-date resume and cover letter. Your Career Cruising IPP account can help!

Helpful websites: 

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