Help Sheet For Grade 9 De-Streamed Students

Course Type Selection Help Sheet For Grade 9 De-Streamed Students

Which one do I choose? Academic, Applied or Locally Developed

In Grade 9, you will be asked to select a course type for Grade 10 compulsory courses (English, History, Math and Science).  Choosing which pathway to follow should be based not only on marks but also on your learning skills and study habits. Read the following information to get a better idea of which course type is best for you.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Things Parents/Guardians Should Consider:

Q - Can I change course types?

A – Yes. You can change course types if you go back and take the required prerequisite courses.

Q - Do all the courses I select have to be the same type i.e. Academic, Applied or Locally Developed?

A – No. You are encouraged to take the type of course that best suits your interests, goals and/or learning style. You can select a variety of courses but must be mindful of University prerequisites.

Q - Is there someone I can go to for help if I have questions about course selection?

A – Yes. Your Grade 9 teachers and report comments are valuable resources you can refer to regarding your course selections. You can also arrange an appointment to see your Guidance Counsellor for information/advice. Your parents/guardians can also be helpful in providing advice and assisting you with your planning.


1. What destination is my child considering after high school?


2. What comments do my child’s report card indicate would be a wise choice?


3. How does my child best learn?


4. How much teacher assistance does my child require?




Course Type Characteristics:

Locally Developed



Post-Secondary Destination

World of Work




World of Work





World of Work



Typical Report Card Comments

requires much support

limited understanding

with assistance

communicates with some clarity

some support required

some comprehension

communicates clearly

works independently

always completes work

Learning Focus

The focus is on practical knowledge and life skills with hands on experiences


The focus is on practical applications but some theory is covered

Capable of abstract thinking, understanding theory and making practical applications

Educational Support

A lot of teacher assistance

Needs some teacher assistance

Little, or no teacher assistance needed


Note: Open courses comprise of a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students. Many of the elective courses are ‘open’ and are designed to meet student interests. 

Note: Students that have been scheduled into Locally Developed courses in grade 9 typically continue in the same level in grade 10 unless they take the grade 9 De-Streamed prerequisite courses.  


Course Type Characteristics:

Locally Developed




• Emphasizes essential skills

• Focuses on real life situations and very practical applications

• Based on concrete, hands-on applications of what they are learning

• Focus on literacy and numeracy skills

• Further develop problem solving skills

• Benefits from step by step instructions and examples that can be referred to

• Kinaesthetic learners

• Work is completed within the class

• Emphasizes practice

• Focus on practical applications, concrete examples and personal experiences that are relevant to student

• More opportunities to experience hands-on applications of what they are learning

• Focus on mastering the basics

• Recognize relationships exist, observe results and

describe specific situations

• Benefits from step by step instructions and examples

• Kinaesthetic learners

• Most of the work is completed within the class

• Emphasizes theory

• Focuses on global perspectives and abstract thinking

• Work independently

Focus goes beyond the basics into more in depth learning

• Explain complex relationships, analyse results, make predictions and extrapolations

• Understands a process and can anticipates what comes next

• Visual – Auditory learners

• Work is completed both in class and with nightly homework

Samples Expectations

In English:

Read a passage and write a five sentence paragraph on the setting of the story.

In English:

Read a teacher selected short story and write a three paragraph essay on a main character.

In English:

Read Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet and write a five paragraph essay on a major theme in the play.

Typical Teacher Observations

• Student already on a modified program and is

working below grade level expectations/reduced grade level expectations

• Student is successful when working directly with teacher

• Student requires more time before moving on to next concept

• Student struggles to complete homework independently

• Student excels when working in a small group with direct teacher support

• More time is usually needed when completing assignments or assessments

• Good retention of concepts learned

• Make connections across strands

• Completes all homework thoroughly

• Takes initiate to get caught up on missed work

• Uses appropriate strategies to stay organized ready to be engaged in activity

• Motivated to do well

• Seeks assistance when needed

• Takes risks when collaborating

• Perseveres on challenging tasks on his/ her own accord



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