What is Dual Credit?
SCWI Dual Credit Program from Clark Marketing Communications on Vimeo.
Student Testimonial
How a high school student started his career in carpentry - Bobby Vossen
Participating in dual credit programs enables students to:
•Complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma;
• Have an experience that will help them make a successful transition to college or an apprenticeship program;
• Increase their awareness of the various college and apprenticeship pathways; and
• Gain greater insight into education and career planning decisions.
• Tuition, materials, equipment and transportation fees will be covered through the dual credit program.
For more information, visit this link to the Canadore College website, or contact the Dual Credit teacher, Ms/Mme. Christine Dufresne-Nappert at: (705) 494-8600 ext. 40412
Dual Credit - Reach every student