University Pathway

Ontario University Info


We recommend that students and parents/guardians spend time together on the Ontario universities info  link above to review all the university programs and requirements for the current school year. This site also has links to important dates as well as information about any additional requirements for the application process.  In addition, using the Career Cruising website and completing the IPP (Individualized Pathway Plan) activities will assist the students in being prepared for their grade 12 Exit Interview which will occur starting mid-September and running through November.  Students should also visit the Grade 12 EDSBY group regularly for updated information on everything to do with university applications, bursary and scholarship opportunities as well as general grade 12 information.  This messaging system is where all key information will be found. Weekly and daily messages will go out via EDSBY so students should be checking their account daily.



University applications will begin mid to late  November.  We are proud to be one of the only schools to offer small group guided application sessions to our students.  If students want to take advantage of this service, they  must sign up for a session through the link posted in the grade 12 EDSBY group. Whenever possible, we encourage applications to  be done during the student’s spare in order to minimize disruptions to their classroom activities. Seating is limited so please sign up right away.  Please note that these guided sessions will be done before the end of November or  very early December depending on the year.

Any student planning on applying to out of province Universities are responsible for checking that institution’s website to see how the application process is done.  Each school outside of Ontario has their own procedures,  fees and deadlines. The student and parent/guardian are responsible for doing out of province applications on their own.  If transcripts are required, please contact Mrs. Edmund in advance and have all information ready for her to ensure your transcripts get to those institutions on time.
Note: Guidance Counsellors encourage students to use the below worksheet, available in Student Services, to help with the the application process.

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