Your Post-Secondary Journey Begins…
By this time next year students will be embarking on the next phase in their life journey whether academically, by joining the workplace, or by returning to upgrade or take courses to help them solidify their future plans. To better prepare for this transition and the upcoming university and college registrations students are asked to do the following:
College & University Registration Information - Be Prepared!
Regularly Check Grade 12 Student Edsby Group
The Grade 12 Student Edsby Group is regularly updated with important information such as post-secondary school visits, registration and scholarship & bursary information.
Research/Decide on Post-Secondary Pathway/Program(s)
We recommend that students and parents/guardians spend time together on the Ontario universities/college information link(s) to review programs and requirements/prerequisites
Students planning on applying to out of province schools are responsible for checking that institution’s website to see how the application process is done. Each school outside of Ontario has their own procedures, fees and deadlines. The student and parent/guardian are responsible for doing out of province applications on their own. Students that have completed or are enrolled in a Dual Credit, will have the option to complete an internal application ( to Canadore College. If transcripts are required, please contact Mrs. Edmunds in advance and have all information ready for her to ensure your transcripts get to those institutions on time.
Meet with Guidance Counselor
Meet with their Guidance Counselors – Interviews will be arranged by the counselors beginning mid-September continuing through October and November in preparation for University and College applications. We can use this opportunity to confirm post secondary program prerequisites and graduation requirements including volunteer hours and Literacy Test.
Complete Post-Secondary Worksheet
These worksheets will help simplify the post-secondary application process. Hardcopies can be found in Student Services. Important details can be found on the worksheet.
Sign-up and attend Post-Secondary Application Session
We offer small group guided application sessions to our students. If students want to take advantage of this service, they must sign up for a session through the link posted in the Grade 12 EDSBY group. Whenever possible, we encourage applications to be done during the student’s spare in order to minimize disruptions to their classroom activities. Please note that these guided sessions will be done before the end of November or early December. Students are asked to bring completed post-secondary application worksheets to the session, along with a payment option.
Check and Accept
Once you have applied, colleges and universities will begin to email you shortly afterwards. You are responsible to stay on top of deadlines and to manage your emails. SJSH does not get copied on these emails nor do we have access to them. Post-secondary schools will only speak to you and/or the other designated person on your account. Offers must be accepted through OCAS or OUAC.. It is recommended that you print hard copies of all correspondence, including your acceptance, and file them in a file folder. If you have any issues, you may contact OCAS or OUAC directly.